More progress! Here are a few pre-Thanksgiving updates - please share this far and wide as you feel inspired:
Draft 3 of Pillars of Barabbas is done! The manuscript will be heading off to the editor (Christy Distler) now. This was quicker than anticipated, so I feel really good about a March launch date - maybe even early March. I've engaged the designer (Lance Buckley) to start work on the cover as well. He's pretty busy, but as soon as I have it I'll share it. He did the jaw-dropping cover for Book 1, so I'm excited.
Also, ACX finally finished reviewing the audio files and cover for the I Was Called Barabbas audiobook. It is now "Headed to Retail," which means they are preparing it for Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. I wish I knew exactly how long that will take, but we're finally in the home stretch!
I've made some progress on Servant of Helaman as well, though Pillars dominated most of my available time. Starting Chapter 4 now, and ideas continue to percolate nicely. This is fascinating story to write, and it continues to surprise me!
My first confirmed radio interview is April 14th at 11am ET with POP Talk Radio, part of Pearls of Promise Ministries. The publicist (Nicole Ballengee) is working on some others, and I already did a pre-recorded interview with Christian Family Radio's Afternoons with Dale show, air date TBD. This is new territory for me, but a lot of fun!
Thanks for your support, and any ideas or feedback are always welcome. 😃
